The letter is very interesting: it helps to popularise an intriguing result of Grimov, suggesting a new use which was only hinted in a previous article of De Gosson. Also, it announces further advances based in a not very well known result of Sikorav. Globally it has a high degree of originality and a scientific quality above average, thus I recommend its publication. Now, the degree of urgency is not so high for the letter not to benefit from minor editing, so I'd like to suggest some corrections to the final version: - The formula previous to (3) is letter-by-letter identical to (3). Surely it can we rewritten for clarity. A reference to some article on Maslov semiclassical quantisation could be added. -Some results were originally described for complex spaces and they have been rewritten in terms of real spaces for legibility. So I'd suggest to double-check all the dimension labels "n" and "2n". -Same double-check with the subindices "i", "j" in page 2, esp. for rotated or transformed variables. -One wonders if there are some restrictions in the dimension of the subsets of R^{2n} to be admissible quantum blobs. -To fulfil the divulgative goals, it should be good to add precise references to theorem numbers in Sikorav and Grimov. Also, the bibliography could quote the MR numbers of the articles: [2] has MR 87j:53053 [6] has MR 93f:57033 -The use of Sikorav's result is a new idea and it could be explained with a little more of detail. If only such minor modifications are done, I believe the letter does not need a new refereeing phase and it can be published directly. Last, let me add that a full article expanding the research should follow this one. I am specially intrigued about two details: - The dequantization process, both in the limit h->0 and in the limit of large quantum numbers. Previous work of the author has been based on semiclassical mechanics, via Maslov, and it should be seen if it is possible to reproduce exactly the quantum mechanics results. - The case of infinite degrees of freedom. As the blob capacity does not depend of the number of degrees of freedom, the limit case of QFT should be easier to control than usual. One should research, for instance, what happens to the symplectic capacities when a (Kadanoff-like) R.G. transformation decimates the number of degrees of freedom. If the author has some advances on this, I'd not oppose to preannounce them at the end of the letter.